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This endpoint lets you reply to a given review.




    review_id integerrequired

    ID of the review you want to reply

    parent_id integer

    The id of the parent comment you want to reply

    Works only for Facebook comments, since it's possible to reply to a comment (depth max is 2). Google and TripAdvisor don't accept this behaviour.

    content stringrequired

    Content of your reply



    id integerrequired
    partner_id string

    Comment id on publisher

    author_name string

    The author name of the review.

    Note: Replies don't have an author.

    date date-time

    Comment update date

    created date-time

    Comment creation date

    content string

    Comment body content

    can_edit boolean

    If the current user can or cannot edit a reply

    Note: This applies on Facebook replies only. A reply left by an external user on Facebook cannot be edited.

    review_id integer

    Review id

    parent_id integernullable

    Parent comment id
